Krokidas & Bluestein Stands Against Racism

Krokidas & Bluestein “Virtual Walk to Washington” Team. Walked 122 miles on Friday, April 26, 2013, participating in the YWCA’s Stand Against Racism.
From left to right: First Row - Elka Sachs, Jill Meixel, Anjali Waikar, Annie Wong, Theresa Chateauneuf, Elizabeth Ross, Richard Bluestein, Judith Kim, Jaclyn White. Back Row – Anthony Cichello, Samuel Nagler, Shaila Cavanaugh, Maura Bahu, Marjorie Aronis, Rachel Hendley, Rebecca Tyning, Suzanne Waters, Barbara Parker, Julie Peabody, Robert Griffin, Jason Copland, Paul Holtzman, Braden Miller. Missing: Barbara Stier, Sheryl Howard and Ken Wieczerza.

April 26, 2013 – On Friday, April 26, 2013, our firm, in partnership with Massachusetts General Hospital, Old South Church, Biogen, AARP Massachusetts, and other local companies, proudly participated in Boston YWCA’s Stand Against Racism event, a virtual walk to Washington D.C.

The walk was held in commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington. Krokidas & Bluestein and our partner organizations participated in the virtual walk by having our employees wear pedometers to measure the distance covered during the course of one day. Krokidas & Bluestein attorneys and staff contributed 122 miles to the city’s symbolic 450 mile goal, which represents the distance between Boston and Washington D.C.

Thousands of organizations nationwide participate in YWCA’s Stand Against Racism, an initiative aimed at bringing people together to raise awareness that racism still exists. Partner organizations such as our firm work towards eliminating racism and celebrating the richness of diversity. The annual event takes place the last Friday of each April, and invites individuals to participate in a variety of local events across the country.

Krokidas & Bluestein was honored to play a part in this important event.