Krokidas & Bluestein Litigators Pisegna and Curtin Win Defense Verdict and $500,000 Counterclaim After Three Week Jury Trial

Attorney Pisegna  Attorney Curtin

Attorney Pisegna (left) and Attorney Curtin (right)

(Boston, MA) August 7, 2019– Krokidas & Bluestein’s Vince Pisegna and Jason Curtin represented the father/patriarch of a family being sued by his adult children for conspiracy and aiding and abetting in connection with an alleged attempt to retake control over the family business after it had been transferred to them. The children sought over $20.0 million in damages and a re-transfer of control of the company back to the children. The patriarch denied all liability and counterclaimed for $500,000 for sums due from the children when they acquired the business from their father. After a three week jury trial in the Business Litigation Session of the Superior Court, the jury rendered a defense verdict in favor of the father and, in addition, found in favor of the father on his counterclaim, ordering the children to pay $500,000. “This was a hard-fought case from the beginning and our client was very grateful for the judgment of the jury”, said Pisegna.

About Krokidas & Bluestein
Krokidas & Bluestein provides legal services in the areas of public, nonprofit and for-profit general corporate law, health and human services law, education law, real estate development and finance, property management, public and private civil litigation, and labor and employment law.